Thursday, December 24, 2009

Need test/sample/demo data that’s safe for public (and/or client) consumption? Then!

DevCurry - Generating Test Data For Your Applications

“Sometimes on the internet you find websites that are extremely useful. The other day I stumbled upon one such site called This website does exactly what the URL suggests, it generates test data for you. This is great if you're in I.T. because invariably for a project, you need test data to demonstrate features to your users.


“Ever needed custom formatted sample / test data, like, bad? Well, that's the idea of the Data Generator. It's a free, open source script written in JavaScript, PHP and MySQL that lets you quickly generate large volumes of custom data in a variety of formats for use in testing software, populating databases, and scoring with girls.

This site offers an online demo where you're welcome to tinker around to get a sense of what the script does, what features it offers and how it works. Then, once you've whet your appetite, there's a free, fully functional, GNU-licensed version available for download. Alternatively, if you want to avoid the hassle of setting it up on your own server, you might want to consider donating $20 or more to help support the project. …





A simple, but cool, means to generate some sample/test/demo data…


Unknown said...

Another very useful utility is "DataWang" (

This is an open source .Net library that wraps the Google Sets API to produce custom data lists very much like

The bonus with DataWang is that you can plug it directly into your .Net code and it can even create lists of your entities with their properties automagically set based on attributes. (PS: It's written by me, apologies for shameful plug!)

Greg said...

Okay, that IS pretty cool.

Going to have to given that one it's own blog post.

Thanks! :)