Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Nirsoft + Sysinternals + One interface = Windows System Control Center

How-To Geek - Control Sysinternals Suite & NirSoft Utilities with a Single Interface

“Sysinternals and NirSoft both provide helpful utilities for your Windows system but may not be very convenient to access. Using the Windows System Control Center you can easily access everything through a single UI front end.


The first thing to do is set up three new folders in Program Files (or Program Files (x86) if you are using a 64bit system) with the following names (the first two need to exactly match what is shown here):

  • Sysinternals Suite
  • NirSoft Utilities (create this folder only if you have any of these apps downloaded)
  • Windows System Control Center (or WSCC depending on your preferences)

Unzip the contents of the Sysinternals Suite into its’ folder. Then unzip any individual NirSoft Utilities programs that you have downloaded into the NirSoft folder.



WSCC provides an easy way to access all of the apps in the Sysinternals Suite and NirSoft Utilities in one place.

Note: A PortableApps version is also available.

Control Sysinternals Suite & NirSoft Utilities with a Single Interface - How-To Geek …”

Windows System Control Center is new to me. There are few things cooler than a new cool utility to play with… :p


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