Thursday, January 29, 2004

Yukon On-Demand Webcast Available

Yukon On-Demand Webcast Available:

"...delivered a webcast on SQL Server 'Yukon' using the new Microsoft LiveMeeting technology for a UK developer audience. The webcast covered the integration of the CLR into the Yukon engine, and also briefly covered some of the new T-SQL enhancements and the new support for XML as a native data type. There are a few demos included too for those who haven't had the opportunity to explore this technology yet. I always find it really hard to deliver presentations without an audience - you get no feedback and that makes it hard to keep the momentum going, but I feel like I'm starting to get the hang of it.
Anyway, the webcast is now available for viewing on-demand..."

Cool... A live replay ( oxymoronic enough for you ?) of a Developer focused Yukon presentation.

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