Wednesday, May 05, 2004

GotDotNet User Sample: PINVOKE.NET Add-In for Visual Studio

GotDotNet User Sample: PINVOKE.NET Add-In for Visual Studio

"This add-in for Visual Studio (7.0 or later) communicates with, making it easy to copy signatures and types from the PINVOKE.NET repository into your source code. It also highlights alternative managed APIs that help you avoid PInvoke altogether, and makes it easy for you to contribute your own signatures and types! Because the latest information in the repository is displayed, the number of signatures and languages supported should grow over time. This also means that an Internet connection is required to make use of the add-in (although it behaves gracefully when no connection is present). Defining PInvoke signatures (also known as Declare statements in VB) without any help is an error-prone process that can introduce extremely subtle bugs. It's time to stop writing PInvoke signatures from scratch! Instead, copy and paste your way to productivity! Think of this as the 21st century version of VB6's API Text Viewer. For more information, visit "

Cool... Installing now.

BTW. To use it, right click in your source code the pinvoke stuff will be in the popup menu.

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