Saturday, May 01, 2004

Visual Basic: Visual Basic At The Movies

Visual Basic: Visual Basic At The Movies

25 VB movies... with more soon, for a total 101...
Note the snip about getting a free VB Standard Edition.

From JRoxe's WebLog

"Check out VB @ The Movies - We've got 101 short videos of how to do everything from creating a checked list box, include data in your form, build a web app, or customize the IDE. While a lot of this content is targeted at the beginning developer, we've definitely got some material in there that will be cool for the advanced dev as well.

If you watch five of the movies and rate them, you can get a free copy of Visual Basic Standard Edition. If you've been wanting to kick the tires on .NET, this is a great way to get going with some training and some code."

UPDATE: Some of these video's are too bad. Short, sweat and to the point. Mostly meant for those new to VS/VB.NET, but still some good poop.

After to view and rate the 5 movies, it's pretty painless to get the free stuff... And you can either get VB.Net Standard or a Developer Welcome pack with CD and .Net Application Book (Which is what I picked...).
And really free, don't even have to pay for the shipping...

Pretty cool way for MS to get people interested and using VB.Net...

I hope they do it again for a copy of VB2005 :)

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