Friday, July 02, 2004

Excited about Mono 1.0...

Is it wrong that I'm excited about Mono 1.0?

I've been a VB coder since forever (I've released production applications in every version of VB/VB.Net, including VB1.0) but also attempt to pick up and use a new programming language once a year, a.k.a. my Language of the Year club.

[It used to be the Language of the Month club until my brain got full and I realized it's more important to be able to use the language to release productions app than to just know some syntax... funny that :) ]

This year it's C#.

What does that have to do with me being excited about Mono? Mono, and its C# compiler, give me one more reason to learn C# and use.

Now I'm not planning on moving my coding to Linux/Mac any time soon, but just knowing that I can, means a great deal.

But to "be in the now" I do plan on coding c# for Mono on a Linux VPC. I just wish the MonoDevelop had a better WinForms designer (But what do I want for free? My money back?)

I've got Mono on a RedHat 9 VPC, and am trying to get it on a SUSE9.1 Personal VPC now, (plan on trying to get it to work on Mandrake). Why, cause I want to see the cross distribution work and to give me some experience with these distrubtions...

Then of course now that I've downloaded VS2005 Beta1, I have to install that too (I'm excited about all the changes to VB2005 too, but that's a different post)...

Sigh... I need a faster notebook (and faster, bigger HD)(and more memory)(and more hours in the day :)

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