Friday, July 02, 2004

Database maintenance routines

Database maintenance routines

Very cool list of SQL Server Maintenance SP's...

"isp_DBCC_CHECKDB - perform integrity checks on all databases
isp_DBCC_INDEXDEFRAG - perform index defragmentation
isp_DBCC_DBREINDEX - rebuild the indexes
isp_Backup - full backup
isp_Backup_LS - full backup using SQL LiteSpeed
isp_Backup_TLog - transaction log backup
isp_DeleteBackupHistory - delete backup history from msdb backup system tables"

All with T-SQL source (of course the source is available... right? For now, yes, but when SQL2005 hits and all the assemblies start hitting the net, the source might not always be available. But I for one will try to not use a SQL assembly unless I can review the source... to scary not to...)

Tara's like an uber-SQL DBA... and codes up some great T-SQL...

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