Friday, July 02, 2004

Now I Remember Why...

... I stuck with MS tech.

Trying to get Mono (and MonoDevelop,etc) onto SUSE and Mandrake is like pulling teeth.

Of course it doesn't help that I'm again a Linux noob, but still.

Man, I just want this stuff to WORK! I don't want to play RPM games, dependency games, etc, etc. I want to code and not be have to be a Linux admin to figure it all out. Give me a simple, scripted (i.e. wizard) install... The only reason I got Mono/MonoDevelop to install on any Linux distrib was cause of Novell's/Ximian's Red-Carpet service (which was pretty cool).

Why hasn't Linux taken over the desktop? Cause my Mom & Dad/Daughter & Son can't use it.
They just want to get stuff done. They don't give a crap about the OS.

Now Mac, that's something. With the current unix based version of the Mac OS, I think they would be okay. But the current Linux dist's? No way. No way I would turn Mom and Pop loose on a Linux box. Sure they might be a little more secure, but getting their apps running? Getting their patches in place? Supporting them (I can just see myself talking my Mom through a session on editing a text config file via VI or something)

I'm sort of able to figure crud out and make it work, but only after pulling out my hair for a while (and doing allot of goggling). And that's cause I like figuring the stuff out...

Is Windows the best OS? No. But is it the best today for the "normal" consumer/user? Seems like it is to me.

Want to win the desktop war? Make an OS that is totally transparent and invisible. An OS that no one knows is an OS. Cell's are close... I don't think I even know the OS from my cell. It just works. Consumer computer devices need that too.


PS. This is NOT an invite to be flamed by those who dig Linux... Nor is it meant to slam it. It's just me venting to release some steam... Believe me I KNOW the problems Windows has. The holes and issues, etc... So for 7 of you who read my blog (give or take 10), if you live and breath Linux, please accept my apologies (and please make it easier to use! :)

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