Friday, July 02, 2004 - Internet Pack

Came across this today...

"Internet Pack is a lightweight and easy to use TCP/IP framework build on top of the .NET Socket library.

It builds the foundation of network access in the upcoming RemObjects SDK for .NET, but also provides general connectivity options usable in any .NET networking application.

Lightweight and comfortable to use base framework
Flexible and highly scalable architecture
Extendable Connection class allows you to easily integrate custom encryption or compression solutions*
Extendable HTTP Client and Server framework - build HTTP applications with just a few lines of code, or easily expand the components to provide complex custom solutions
Extendable FTP Server framework and VirtualFTP sample implementation
CommandBasedServer and Client based components allow you to easily implement your own command based protocols (such as SMTP, FTP Command Connection, etc.)
SimpleHttpServer component provides an easy to implement file-based HTTP Server
SMPT and POP3 Client implementation, Mail Message encapsulation classes.
Integration with upcoming DebugServer 3 for easy debugging and tracing.

Supported Platforms
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 (Currently in Alpha/Beta), 32 and 64bit
Microsoft Compact Framework 1.0

Supported IDEs
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 (Currently in Alpha/Beta)
Borland C# Builder
Borland Delphi 8

Download Now
Internet Pack for .NET is free and comes with full C# source code.
">Download a copy now"

Cool... I like free (and I like Free + Source Code even better!)

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