Saturday, July 03, 2004

Image * After [Free Photos]

Image * After

"Non-polished images and textures free for commercial and personal use."

10K of high quality free photos...

In browsing the site the photos seem to be 24 bit 1600x1200'ish

The photos are grouped by subject, some textures by subject and there's a search too.

Here's a snip from the about page.

"What is image*after about?

We started Image*After because we, while working as multimedia designers/programmers, discovered that there was not much high resolution photographic material available. We decided that instead of buying expensive photo’s, we would be better off with a digital camera and started to make our own material. Because we know how hard it is to find good material to use for your work, we offer everybody who wants to, our high resolution pictures for free through this website. Keep in mind though that these are NOT meant to be stock-photos or stand-alone pieces of work - they are raw material, to be used and/or edited for whatever purpose you see fit."

The license seems to be reasonable, saying you can use the pic's in your projects, but have to give them credit and you can't download them all and resell them...etc

One note, the color scheme of the site is hard for me to read. Dark blue text on light blue background. But hey, they are cool and free so I can deal with it. :)
(Via Robin Good)

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