Sunday, July 04, 2004

Syndication Generator for Windows® SharePoint® Services

Syndication Generator for Windows® SharePoint® Services

"The Syndication Generator for Windows® SharePoint® Services is a web part based RSS generator. The web part is highly configurable and requires no access to the server once it has been installed. This is the main advantage of the tool when compared to existing RSS feed generators.

Creating an RSS feed for your SharePoint server has never been easier. Drag/drop the web part onto your page, pick the list you wish to syndicate, and ... tada! Your feed is up and running in no time flat."


I'd like to start pushing RSS usage for my internal WSS sites, but there's currently little interest in RSS feeds from it (and actually little general interest in RSS feeds at all...). When I've got a few spare cycles, I'll have to setup some feeds up and push it out to my early adopters and see how it flies.

I'm so sold on corporate RSS usage it's not really funny, but others at my company... well, no comment. :)

The one thing holding me back is a good (and free) RSS reader for Outlook (and is not web hosted, since all my corp feeds would be internal, etc). I don't want my users to have to run another app to get the feeds. I've seen all the posts for NewsGator and intraViews, but would really like to get my hands on a free product (with source of course, might have to write one myself... darn :)

(via Jan Tielens' Bloggings)

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