Friday, September 17, 2004

VPC "Local Network"

Inspired by the blogs talking about installing VS2005 B1 w/ Team Services (i.e. fact that that Team Services can not be run all on a single PC), I've just sent up a "local VPC network"...

It's pretty cool.

I have three VPC's. Win2K3 as my domain controler (VPC network is set to 1 card, local only). Win2k as my SQL 2K5 server (again 1 NIC, local only) and WinXP2. All on my trusty IBM T30 Thinkpad...

It's a memory crunch. I can only get the T30 up to 1GB of RAM, which leaves only about 700MB of RAM for all three VPC sessions. So I have the DC/SQL sessions at 128MB and the XP2 at 400MB.

As long as I shut down some stuff on the T30, everything is happy. Sure it's not the fastest solution, but it WORKS!

Now with this config, I can play my OSS games on these images and clean up, and out, my T30.

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