Thursday, October 07, 2004

Creating a Simple Demo with Axiom - CodeCube.Net

Creating a Simple Demo with Axiom - CodeCube.Net

"The Axiom engine is an open source 3D graphics/game engine written in C#. It has bindings for rendering with OpenGL and Managed DirectX. This article takes you through the process of creating a simple demo. It should be enough to get you up and running and whet your appetite.

I kept trying to find some sort of business case to have an excuse to write something about Axiom, after all, it's a "game" engine. But you know what? screw it ... what ever happened to the days where I would code something just for fun? well, I gotta tell ya, they're coming back. I long to have fun programming again, and for anyone who has every looked at a video game and secretly wished they could do the same, this one's for you ;-)

The purpose of this isn't to show you how to make games, or even really anything about 3D ... I'll save that for another article. The purpose is to walk you through the process until you've got a development process going, and you are able to run your own code. As with many articles of this type, we're simply going to be taking some existing code, copying it, and modifying it. That will show you what you have to do, and what you have to hook into to get something going."

Cool... I actually have a good business case for 3D (well in my mind it's a good business case :)

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