Monday, November 22, 2004 - Scott Hanselman's Weblog - Setting the Title of the "DOS" Command Prompt from a Batch File - Scott Hanselman's Weblog - Setting the Title of the "DOS" Command Prompt from a Batch File

"Just a small reminder for myself and others that you can set the title of the Command Prompt Window with the 'TITLE' Batch Command.

Since I'm building three different branches of our SDK during dev, it's nice to differentiate all these windows on all these monitors.

For example here's 'mybuild.bat'

TITLE Building VoyagerFramework 2.0
set BUILDDIR=C:\dev\VoyagerFramework\build
call BUILD.BAT %1 %2 %3 %4 %5"

You learn something every day... Nice tip.

Updating some of my command files now.

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