Friday, November 19, 2004

Ever wondered why call center guys are paid more ?

Ever wondered why call center guys are paid more ?

You know what's scary? I've actually had conversations with clients just like these...

About a million years ago (early 90's) I worked at DAK (a consumer electronic mail order company). We sold one of $99 CD-ROM drives, serial mice, 286 then 386 computers, etc, etc.

And our target market was the general public. The same people buying Bread Makers and Ice Cream Machines...

We had a number of classic tech calls. These are real calls I had...

Mouse Pain
Customer: My mouse doesn't work well... It's hard to see where it's going.
Tech Support: Are you using a mouse pad?

Customer: How would I use a pad? I have the mouse against the screen... If I put a pad up there too I wouldn't be able to see the screen at all...

5 1/4 Floppy Fun
Customer: I can't put floppy #5 in...
Tech Support: Is there a problem with the floppy? Is it bent or anything?

Customer: No...
Tech Support: Did the other floppies go in okay?

Customer: Yeah, but #4 was a little hard to get in.
Tech Support: ...

Customer: Like the instructions say, I put in #1, #2, #3, but had to force #4 in and now there's no room for #5.

[The customer wasn't aware that the previous floppy had to be removed before the next was to be inserted]

Baked Breadmaker
When a customer would lose power in the middle of a Bread making session we would tell them to take the pan out of the machine and put it into the over to finish baking.

Well one customer didn't catch the "pan" part.

The customer took out all the shelves in their oven and put the ENTIRE machine into the over for 45 minutes @ 375... The completely melted breadmaker was a site to see.

I could go on and on...

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