Saturday, February 19, 2005

Scobleizer: No RSS? No downloads? No interaction? Fake content? You're fired!

No RSS? No downloads? No interaction? Fake content? You're fired!

I don't usually re-blog/link Scoble (I kind of figure there are enough people doing that already...), but I couldn't help myself on this post.

As you may know I'm a HUGE fan of RSS. In the last couple years they have completely changed my daily web reading behavior. I now follow about 387+ different feeds, with many of those being aggregate feeds (like, so all combined I'd say I follow about 900+ blogs. All via a single interface because of RSS (See my feeds via Bloglines).

Can you imagine daily browsing to 387+ individual web sites? Yeah...right...

Before RSS, I had a favorites folder with 20-30 sites I'd like to check daily. And then I'd have to remember what on those sites I'd already seen, etc, etc, etc.

Needless to say that without RSS I'm be mush less connected. But then again, it's almost "work" keeping up with all my subscriptions... Damn technology... :)

Anyway Scoble's post rants about a marketing site without feeds, without downloads, and generally without a clue.

This quote pretty much sums it up, "... So, let me get this straight. You don't have RSS feeds. That means I won't be able to build a relationship with this site. You have a fake site so even if I tell my readers to visit it they'll get there and feel dirty (and they can't interact or do anything there either). You won't let me download the videos to pass them around virally. Or remix them in fun ways.

Oh, and there's no permalinks so even if I wanted to link you directly to a piece of content there I couldn't. ..."

I feel the same way. If a site doesn't provide RSS feeds then while I still might check it out once in a great while, it will never make it my daily reading list...

If you're publishing content, provide a RSS feed. Please.

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