Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Creating project item code templates for Visual Studio.Net

The Code Project - Creating project item code templates for Visual Studio.Net - .NET

"This article describes how new project item code templates work in Visual Studio.Net 2003 and presents a component that makes it easy to write new templates


This article describes how the code templates that are used when adding new project items in Visual Studio.Net work. There are several other articles on CodeProject that touches on this subject (a few are listed in the References section at the bottom) but the goal of this article is to describe in more detail how it works.

A component, called Krevera Template Manager, is also introduced that makes it (fairly) easy to create custom templates and it's functionality is described. Included with the component are templates for strongly typed collections and strongly typed dictionaries for C#, VB and C++.

If needed, this component can be extended to create even more powerful templates.

... "

Interesting... Lots of nice information on VS templates.

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