Thursday, May 26, 2005

Whoppix 2.7 (aka Is My Network as Secure as I hope it is?)

Whoppix Home Page

"Whoppix is a stand alone penetration testing live cd based on Knoppix. With the latest tools and exploits, it is a must for every penetration tester and security auditor. Whoppix includes Several exploit archives, such as Securityfocus, Packetstorm, SecurityForest and Milw0rm, as well as a wide variety of updated security tools. The new custom kernel also allows for better WIFI support, for tools such as Aireplay. "

I like to think my home network is pretty secure. I have a couple firewalls (hardware and software), my wireless router as locked down as possible with 2 year old tech, all patches applied to all machines, anti-virus/spyware running on all machines, etc, etc.

Still in the back of my mind I worry ...

So I'm going to download this and check it out.

There are also some cool tutorials/demos/casts which show off Whoppix, Whoppix Demos. I'm really interested in the Cracking WEP in 10 minutes with Whoppix demo.

(via Kent J. Chen's Weblog - Whoppix - another penetration testing toolkit)

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