Friday, September 30, 2005

Shared Map Browsing MSN Messenger Activity (aka Maybe I was wrong...)

Virtual Earth: Shared Map Browsing in MSN Messenger!

"What a great application inside of MSN Messenger! Imagine having an IM session with someone, and you need to look at a map together or figure out a good place that is convenient for both of you to meet for a drink. This and a bunch more is now possible with a very slick 'Activity application' within Messenger. The application was built using the new Messenger API.

To try it out, just start a conversation with someone on your contact list. Then use the Actions -> Start Activity menu (or just click the 'Activities' icon in the toolbar of the conversation window) and select 'Virtual Earth Shared Map'. You will each be prompted to enter your location (city, postcode, landmark, street address...). You'll then each see a VE map appear. As one of you navigates, the changes are seen on both of your sessions. When you search for 'nightclubs' your friend sees the results on the map with you. You can add items to a shared scratch pad, turn on Aerial imagery, and explore the map together interactively. "

I kind of poo-poo'ed the recent release of the Messenger API. I didn't think the Activity focus was really all that uber-cool...

Damn, I hate it when I'm wrong.

The MSN Virtual Earth Messenger Activity (say that fast three times) is pretty damn cool. I have no problem seeing myself using this with my wife or friends. This is the one Activity that is really useful (the rest are... well.. um... yeah).

And this is just the starting point for new Activities via the new SDK/API...

This could get interesting.

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