Thursday, December 29, 2005

"Visual Studio 2005 SCC Plugin for gotdotnet Workspaces"

Korby Parnell's Gotdotnet Wunderkammer : Released: Visual Studio 2005 SCC Plugin for gotdotnet Workspaces

"As Peter Bromberg notes, we recently released an updated source control plug for gotdotnet Workspaces that enables you to work on projects stored in gotdotnet (check in, check out, and other source control operations) from the comfort of your very own VS.NET 2005 IDE. The plugin also works in Visual Studio .NET 2003.


I guess it's source code/SCCI providers day.

One thing I dislike is that selecting a source control provider is all or nothing. Sure there are utilities that make it easy to switch the active provider (How To: Switch Source Control Providers in VS.NET (ReduxRedux)) and VS2005 has the ability to switch providers built in, but I'd really like to be able to make Solution/Project scoped source control decisions and not be forced to a workstation scoping.

Wouldn't it be cool to be able to have a Solution with Projects from different all over the Net? One from GotDotNet, one from VSTS, one from CVS. Or one project from VSS and one from VSTS (that would sure help my migration to VSTS...).

I'd just like a Project's source control repository to be transparent to the IDE (sort of kind of like SCC Dispatcher - Transparent SCC Provider Switcher)

Yeah, I know much easier said than done... ;)

BTW, you can download the Gotdotnet workspace provider (WSSCCI) from a Workspace's "Interface selection" page...

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