Thursday, December 15, 2005

Word - Track Changes Fun December 2005 Archives - An Important Tip about Word Track Changes and the Metadata Problem

"I learned something new and a very important distinction to keep in mind about Microsoft Word metadata from Tom Mighell today.

Tom and I were discussing whether clicking on "Accept all Changes" and saving a document would protect you from having someone to whom you sent the document be able to turn the "Track Changes" back on or otherwise see revisions and comments you had made but thought you had hidden.

Tom contended that the "Accept all changes" approach would work. Based on my fuzzy memory of what I had been able to do in previous versions of Word and this article, I had my reservations - but I like to be cautious on these issues, but I trust Tom's opinions.

We tried a few experiments, checked with a forensics expert and did a little research. I'm now willing to admit that Tom was right, with a few words of warning and some advice that you satisfy yourself about the answer.


4. Microsoft has some great information on its website about the Track Changes issues, including a very helpful demo that should be required viewing for everyone who uses Track Changes.


See the post for the rest...

Let's say, if you didn't already know, track changes can truly jack you up and ruin your day if not handled correctly.

The MS demo (Demo: Get rid of revision marks, once and for all) he references is a nice overview of track changes and how to protect yourself while still using this useful feature...

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