Friday, April 14, 2006

Okay maybe DLINQ is cool...

Khurram Aziz - DLINQ

Khurram Aziz has just posted a cool past about DLINQ, one which has helped move me closer to being comfortable with DLINQ.

Since I say LINQ/XLINQ at PDC2005 I’ve thought it was one of the coolest things since the color purple, but I just wasn’t sold on DLINQ. It looked like a great way to spaghetti database access code throughout an app. Also at the time it seemed very "table" based. I just wasn’t getting a warm fuzzy feeling about it...

I’m also a little burned out on MS data access methods. Having released production apps with every version of VB (except VB-DOS), I’ve seen more data access methods come and go then I want to even think about. So I take every new one with a big grain of salt (big as in the size of Texas big).

Still I’ve been watching DLINQ and was encouraged to see that stored procedure will be baked in from the start (DLinq and Stored Procedures). That brought me one step closer to DLINQ.

Now Khurram’s post has brought me another step closer...

I’ve always liked the idea of using attributes to instrument my classes to hook them to their underlying data. It makes the class that much more self describing. Plus I like the type safety it helps implement. Sort of like provided by "Stored Procedure Object Interface Layer (SPOIL)"....

Anyway it is still way early to really think to much about LINQ/VB9, but the early signs are that it’s going to be pretty cool...

Related Past Post XRef:
"Stored Procedure Object Interface Layer (SPOIL)"

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