Saturday, April 29, 2006

Red Gate SQL Dependency Tracker

David Hayden [MVP C#] - SQL Dependency Tracker by Red Gate Software - First Look

"Red Gate just released SQL Dependency Tracker, which is a sweet looking tool to visually track database and cross-database object dependencies.

It’s nice to be able to point it to a table, for example, and get a quick visual representation of what that table depends upon. Here is a dependency diagram...

... "

Many DB design tools (ERWin, etc) do a great job of diagramming and displaying table/entity relationships but I’ve yet too see one that handles the new objects SQL 2k5 introduces (i.e. XML schemas, CLR objects, etc).

David’s post makes Red Gate’s SQL Dependency Tracker look like it might be a keeper. It appears to not only diagram table relationships, but XML and CLR UDT/SP/etc related dependencies too.

Very interesting and the cost looks good too. If you are using Enterprise Manager/Management Studio as your DB diagramming, documenting and printing tool, then you should check this out sooner than later...

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