Saturday, April 29, 2006

NBear - Rapid Web Application Development Framework

Teddy’s English Blog - Rapid Web Application Development - NBear Project

"What is NBear Project?

NBear is an open source rapid application development framework based on .NET 2.0. It provides persistence, business logic, ASP.NET web controls, utils, etc support, which makes web related application development based on .NET 2.0 super easy. You can find the latest version of NBear from

What Does the Name "NBear" Mean?

"N" stands for both ".Net" and "No"; "Bear" stands for the animal - bear, which is agile when attacking, and also the verb - "bear". So when combining these two words, "NBear" means an agile development framework based on .Net 2.0 which helps you no-bearing lots of complexity (like code-generating dependency and different configuration syntaxes of different frameworks) of application (especially web application) development.

Listable Build-In Configurationless Components

  • Strong Typed Interface/Emit Based  Entity Factory with Entity Auto Generator Tool
  • Object Pooling (Common Object Pooling, WeakReference Object Pooling)
  • Generic Strong Typed Data Access Gateway and Cachable Gateway (Based on .Net Cache Dependency)
  • Page, MasterPage, UserControl Enhanced Base Template with New Callback Version AjaxHelper and Lots of Helper Methods Intergrated
  • Useful Web Controls (Auto Complete TextBox, Refreshless Big File Upload Progress Bar, Serial Number Validator)
  • Url Rewrite Module
  • High performance XML/JSON Serialization

I’m a sucker for "rapid" and "framework" and cool names with meaning. And especially when the project includes the full source code (C# 2)...

Plus every time I see someone else’s code, I learn something new. For example, in this project there’s a VBS utility/script that’s used to update and synchronize version numbers for dependent assemblies. That’s a cool hack...

The solution is VSTS based, with tests included.

All in all an interesting project...

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