Monday, December 18, 2006

"How to Implement a Text Encoder in .Net 2.0"

A .NET Architecture, Design & Development Journal - Howto Implement a Text Encoder in .Net 2.0


The root is an abstract class called System.Text.Encoding.  This class is implemented in .Net for several encoding types including (but not limited to) ASCII, UTF-8 and Unicode.  This class is the starting point for building your own Encoding.  Visual Studio 2005 makes this super, super easy. 


To help illustrate an actual implementation of an Encoder, I'll use this forum to release an encoder I wrote to help deal with text files written for the Commodore 8-bit computers.  One of the very first home computers was the Commodore PET 2001, which was a simple 6502 based computer released in 1977.  This computer came at a time when every mainframe had it's own way of representing text, and machines like the Apple II and Tandy TRS-80 were just coming out.  A complete descripton of PETSCII and a chart of the characters can be found at Wikipedia.


This is one of those posts that has information I KNOW I'll need in the future, but won't be able to find...

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