Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Microsoft XNA Game Studio Express 1.0 Refresh (Don't let the title throw you it's more like a 1.1 or 1.5, or R2, etc)

Microsoft Downloads - Microsoft XNA Game Studio Express 1.0 Refresh

"... This release is an update of the 1.0 version which contains improved functionality along with new features. Check out exciting new features such as Bitmap Based Fonts, 3D Audio, Windows Vista support, Game Packaging and more! The What’s New topic within the product documentation outlines the exciting new areas. ..."

The "Refresh" title threw me so I missed this yesterday. I didn't expect such cool new features in a "refresh". Wouldn't you think this amount of new and cool features would make it 1.5? Or an R2 or something?

Anyway... The Packaging feature is huge and could really jump start the XNA community and game releases.

(via CodeCube.Net -  XNA GSE Refresh)

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