Saturday, April 28, 2007

Vista Speech Saver Beta Released

Because if I'm not coding my wife's going to put me to work in the yard (and it's HOT out there ;) I've added some cool suggestions from Rob...

The setup and source is now available on the CodePlex project page.

In short this release makes the utility much more resilient and adaptive.

Now if the Vista Speech Recognition (SR) is not running, that app doesn't force it to start-up. It uses the SystemParamatersInfo API call, with the SPI_GETSPEECHRECOGNITION action, to see if SR is running or not. If not it doesn't attempt to hook into the shared recognition engine and the countdown timer is not started.

Also the message queue (WndProc) in monitored and if the utility gets a WM_SETTINGCHANGED message, the SystemParamatersInfo is re-executed and if SR is THEN determined to be running, THEN we hook into the shared recognition engine and kick off the timer.

Lastly if we were already hooked to the shared engine, and the user kills SR, then we will also unhook from it and stop the timer.

Also I added a "Startup with Windows" checkbox (which pokes into the User's ...\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run registry key) and added a Seconds option to the countdown value (for if you want a 0:30 second timeout, etc).

While I'm certain there are still bugs, all in all I'm pretty happy with this release...


Marc of the Web said...

Very cool! This application will be very handy. Keep up the good work!

Greg said...

Thank you sir! :)