Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Mohamed Sharaf's Blog - Back to MSSecurity library again

"If you have seen my previous post about the class library that I developed to encrypt text or files using symmetric encryption (Rijndael algorithm). So you would already know that it was developed using .NET Framework 1.1. I've upgraded the library to .NET Framework 2.0 and fixed a bug I discovered in the decryption methods.

I already described the methods in this library before so allow me to copy-and-paste them from my previous post

The library called MSecurityLibrary and it consists of only two classes

Encryption: does the symmetric encryption using Rijndael algorithm and a key size of 256 bits.

Hashing: hash any string with MD5 hashing algorithms

Encryption class has 11 public methods. I'll describe the main functions here.

public void encryptFile(string sourceFile,string distinationFile,string password)
public void encryptFile(string sourceFile,string distinationFile,byte[] key)

These two methods encrypt a file using either a password or an array of bytes as a key. ...


How many times have you one-off'ed a MD5 hashing function? Or encryption/decryption? Sure .Net provides the infrastructure for hashing/encryption/decryption, but there's still a good bit of work required to actually use them.

Packaged as an easy to use and consume assembly (with C# source, and test application), the MSSecurityLibrary provides that simple to use security wrapper.

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