Friday, June 01, 2007

Google Has Bought FeedBurner...

Google Blog - Adding more flare

"As you know, we're constantly looking for ways to identify and offer new tools for content creators and website publishers. Likewise, we constantly aim to give AdWords advertisers broader distribution to an even wider audience of users. For these reasons, we're very pleased to tell you that we've just acquired FeedBurner.


That's a pretty logical move.

Microsoft, you need to pickup NewsGator now, before Google does. You know it's coming that someone will pick them up, and if MS doesn't I'd put money on Google (though there is a good bit of product/service overlap between NewsGator and Google).

I think MS needs them much more, since they don't have a good web based Feed platform, nor a mature Feed Windows client, nor a central feed repository, etc.

"Windows Live Web Feed Reader" (web, NewsGator Online)
"Windows Live Reader" (full client, FeedDemon)
"Windows Live Feed Service" (feed repository, NewsGator Online/Sync API)
"Windows Live Feed Outlook" (feed reading in Outlook, NewsGator Inbox)
"Windows Live Caststation" (podcasting, Feedstation)
"Windows Live Feed Mobile" (NewsGator Go)...

Then there's the enterprise Feed server/hosting (NewsGator Enterprise) which would be cool in Exchange or maybe SharePoint...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'd love MS to go for it and then integrate RSS feeds more into their products.

That way rather than get an email everytime a server goes up or down, I can just subscribe to an RSS feed for status updates. This is possible right now, but not for the average user.

RSS needs to become a mainstream technology the way email did.