Sunday, July 22, 2007

OleView and Windows Vista, how to make the two work happily together...

Mike Volodarsky's ServerSide - OleView freezes / hangs forever on Windows Vista

"If you are working with COM and using OleView.exe on Windows Vista to view type libraries, you may notice that the tool hangs forever when trying to open a type library from a file or resource in a DLL.  I've encountered this problem myself on every Vista box I've tried it on, and have seen people complaining about it elsewhere.


Basically, the problem has to do with the registration of OleVIew's utility COM object in iviewers.dll.  It should be located side by side with OleView.exe (typically installed by Visual Studio to its tools directory, or if you are like me, in your private tools directory).  Re-register Iviewers.dll to fix it


I SO know I'm going to need this one day...

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