Friday, August 10, 2007

Access Code Project from within Visual Studio 2005 - A Cool VS Addin from SlickEdit (with Source of course)

Code Project - The Code Project Browser Add-in for VS 2005

"At SlickEdit, we've put several "advertorials" out now on Code Project about our Tools for Visual Studio® 2005 product. I'm one of the developers on the Tools team [profile], and I love Code Project for learning how to do new things, especially because I learn best by seeing examples of how something's done. However, in order to see the sample code for an article, you have to:

  1. Download the sample zip file.
  2. Browse to it and unzip the contents somewhere.
  3. Go to Visual Studio and Open the project.

I also love convenience, and that's why I made this add-in. It let's you browse Code Project directly in Visual Studio 2005. When you click on a link that would normally download a zip file, it asks you instead if you'd like to open the sample up using the Code Project Browser. If you say yes, the add-in will download the file, unzip it to a base "My documents\My Code Project Samples" directory, then load it directly. It also provides a sidebar where you can view, reload and delete all of the projects you've downloaded. Finally, it allows you to keep Code Project favorites, just like any respectable web browser would.


The rockin' guys at SlickEdit let me know that they just posted this very cool VS2005 addin.

As it says, it lets you browse, download, manage and open Code Project projects from within Visual Studio. The best about it is how it lets you download and open the CP project in VS in one step... A nice time saver.

It installed quickly and with no problems (on Vista) and worked the first time out. Also the source opened and compiled with no problems.

The article and source provides a number of great examples, how to create a VS2005 addin, logging into a web site like Code Project, using the BackgroundWorker class to download files in the background yet still provide progress status, some nice UI controls, etc, etc.

I dig that these guys are giving back by posting this project (and including the source). I feel it says allot about SlickEdit...

Related Past Post XRef:
SlickEdit Tools v1.1
New SlickEdit Developer Blog
SlickEdit VS2005 Gadgets Updated
Slick Edit Gadgets - Free VS2005 Utilities

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