Friday, September 28, 2007

A Short Introduction to .Net Satellite Assemblies (aka Resource DLL's, Language DLL's, Localization DLL's, etc)

CodeProject - Satellite Assembly and Implementation Details

"Microsoft released the .NET Framework and common language runtime model, targeting high productivity in software development. Their goal was to create an enriched user experience with easy-to-use products.

Satellite assembly comes into the picture when we develop an application, which is localized on a specific culture. Throughout this article we will explain the use and implementation details of satellite assembly.


But in order to talk about localization, we must know about resource files. Resource files are nothing but a key and textual, value collections specific to each language. Therefore, we will have to create a resource file for each language that we plan to support. The .NET Framework classes will retrieve language-specific details from these multiple language resource files based on the chosen language context.


Another localization option for .Net developers...


Related Past Post XRef:
Project Localizer - An Interesting way to Localize your Project

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