Monday, June 02, 2008

Twittering via WCF 3.5

Dariusz quatscht - Programming Twitter with WCF 3.5

"Do you Twitter? If so, this could be of interest for you. If not, maybe you are interested in how to use the Twitter REST API to write own client applications.

Imagine you could just use Twitter from your code like this:

   1: TwitterStatusProxy proxy = new TwitterStatusProxy( "username", "password" );
   3: // retrieve friends timeline
   4: XElement timeline = proxy.GetFriendsTimeline();
   6: // do whatever you want to do with the data

I just wrote up a demo for a security talk I gave last friday, using the Twitter API from WCF 3.5. ...

Anyway, I want to show you how to use Twitter with WCF 3.5. Here we go. Twitters API is almost an authenticated one, this means for most calls you have to authenticate yourself before calling into the API. Therefore I have chosen to always provide a username and password in the constructor of the proxy class. I decided also to use for each category an own proxy implementation.


I really want to start playing with WCF and thought this was a cool example of using it, it's 3.5 goodness and Twitter. He makes it looks easy, doesn't he? lol...

Now I want to build a Windows Live Writer plugin that posts a Shrinkster or TinyURL link to my Twitter when I publish a new post. ;)

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