Saturday, August 30, 2008

SQL Server SQLClient Timeouts 101 - Everything you’ve wanted to know about SQLClient Timeouts that can be covered in a few pages or less

Tone Poem - SqlClient Timeouts Revealed

“SqlClient.  First a classification of where timeouts can occur with SqlClient:

  1. When attempting to get a connection from the SqlClient connection pool
  2. When attempting to create a new fresh connection to server (not getting one from pool)
  3. When sending a command explicitly to the server
  4. When sending commands with "context connection=true"
  5. When sending commands implicitly (under the covers) to the server
  6. When executing asynchronous commands (BeginExecute...)
  7. When waiting for attention acknowledgement from server (special rare case)
  8. When sending TM commands
  9. When fetching rows
  10. When uploading rows using bulk copy

Login Timeouts

Explicit Command Execution Timeouts

SqlConnection and "context connection=true"

Implicit Command Timeouts

Asynchronous Command Execution Timeout

Cancel Timeout (attention acknowledgement timeout)


How async command execution timeouts are handled (or not) was news to me. Learning more every day…

Silverlight Spy – See what that Silverlight application is really all about…

Chris Koenig - Silverlight Spy

“I found this GREAT tool for Silverlight developers today called Silverlight Spy.   It’s basically a jazzed-up runtime inspector of running Silverlight applications.  Point it at a web site containing a Silverlight control and it will snoop into the XAP file to read out all the XAML and show you exactly what’s going on.  Here’s a screen shot of Silverlight Spy in action:


Web Browser

As you can see from the screen cap, there are a LOT of things to look at.  First, in the upper-left quadrant, there is the web browser.  In here you can see the web page you’re inspecting as well as a highlight showing the control objects you have selected from the XAML Explorer on the right (more in that in a minute). …


Silverlight Spy - Download Silverlight Spy

Licensing Terms

There is no license fee or royalty fee to be paid for the Silverlight Spy.

Required prerequisites
  • Internet Explorer 6 or higher
  • Silverlight 2 (Beta 2)
  • Windows Installer 3.1
  • .NET Framework 3.5 runtime
  • csExWB WebBrowser Control 

The Silverlight Spy installation is powered by ClickOnce deployment technology.

For your convenience the old Silverlight Spy v1 is still available for download. Silverlight Spy v1 enables inspecting of Silverlight 1.0 applications. Download Silverlight Spy 1. Please note that this version is no longer maintained.


First Floor Blog - Spy meets Reflector

Silverlight Spy version has been released and this version is loaded with goodies. The one new feature I am most excited about is the integration of Silverlight Spy with Lutz Roeder's Reflector. If you have installed Reflector on your machine, Silverlight Spy is capable of decompiling any Silverlight assembly. You'll need to tell the Spy where the Reflector is located and you'll get decompiled C# and Visual Basic source code when exploring the assemblies in the XAP package.


Okay, that’s just cool…

[Dark Humor] Disaster Papercrafts – Make your own little Hindenberg and Titanic

Spitefuls: - Disaster Dioramas!!



I’m sorry (and I’m probably going to hell for it), but these made me chuckle…

(Via MAKE: - Disaster papercrafts)


Related Past Post XRef:
Cubeecraft – Because every Cube needs a Storm Trooper, Iron Man, Max, Indiana Jones, Master Chief, ….

Office 2007 Resource Kit/Technical Library CHM – Think offline TechNet MS Office 2007 Admin stuff

Microsoft Downloads - 2007 Office Resource Kit Technical Library in Compiled Help format


File Name: OfficeResourceKit.chm
Version: 1
Date Published: 8/29/2008
Language: English
Download Size: 3.5 MB

This downloadable CHM is a copy of content in the 2007 Office Resource Kit technical library. The CHM is current as of the date above. For the latest information, see the technical library on the Web.


In the coming year or so I’m going to need this… (and sometimes offline is just easier and faster).

This CHM includes “administration” information, like deployment, etc. What I really like about it are the links to downloadable books. Having links to these books, plus the admin information all in this one CHM will be useful


TFS Work Item Web Access (WIWA) Released as part of VSTS Web Access 2008 SP1

Microsoft Downloads - Visual Studio Team System Web Access 2008 SP1 Power Tool

“Team System Web Access (formerly known as TeamPlain) is a Web interface to Visual Studio 2008 Team Foundation Server.

File Name: TeamSystemWebAccess.msi
Version: 9.1
Date Published: 8/29/2008
Language: English
Download Size: 10.7 MB

Team System Web Access is a free download that will be incorporated into a future release of Visual Studio Team System. You may install it with licensed installations of Team Foundation Server. You must be a licensed user of Team Foundation Server to use Team System Web Access.
New With Service Pack 1

Features in Team System Web Access


I’m no longer involved in managing a/our TFS server, so I’m not sure when we’ll get this in place, but when/if I’d like to see how the Work Item only view is going to work out in the real world. While, as I’ve said in the past, I don’t think it’s open enough (you can only see your own work items, which I think it pretty limiting) it’s a first step at least.

Plus I like the idea of being able to pass an ad-hoc query around via URL. I can see where that could come in handy.

Anyway, if/when we get it up, I’ll let you know how it works out…


Update #1 8/30/2008 @ 9:55AM PDT:

Buck Hodges provides more details on the new SP1 bullet points above…

Buck Hodges - Team System Web Access 2008 SP1 is now available!


 Work item only view (accessed at http://tswa-server:8090/wiwa) provides access for users within your company that don't have a TFS client access license (CAL), which was made possible by a licensing change in TFS for the 2008 release.  It allows you to create new work items and edit work items you have created.  Users of the full TSWA features must have CALs. The feature was previously available as a separate download called Work Item Web Access (WIWA) in the CTP.  We've consolidated it into the TSWA installation process for the final release.



Related Past Post XRef:
Work Item Web Access (WIWA) CTP (fka Codename TFS Bug Submission Portal)
Coming soon to TFS Power Tool near you - Codename TFS Bug Submission Portal
Team System Web Access 2008 Available for Download
Team System Web Access Power Tool Now Available (Think TeamPlain v2.0 but with added Microsoft Sauce)
Visual Studio Team System Web Access (formally known as TeamPlain Web Access) now Free

Friday, August 29, 2008

Layoff tips – 20 tips, for when you may need them most

Network World - 20 ways to survive a layoff

Editor's note: On Feb. 20, IT manager and Network World columnist Ron Nutter was called into his boss's office and told he was being let go — that day. Once the initial shock wore off, Nutter launched an aggressive search for new employment in the Kansas City area. Over the next 76 days, Nutter applied for 85 jobs, and had 16 interviews before landing a new position. He chronicled the job search in a daily blog. Now that he has had some time to reflect on the experience, Nutter offers these 20 tips for surviving a layoff.

1. As you're getting laid off, be sure to take notes


I caught this article in the printed version of the magazine (yes, I still catch print as well as feeds… ;) and wanted to capture it for future reference (just in case, etc).

I’ve been through one unexpected (well sort of unexpected, the company was in chapter 11, but still it was a surprise when I finally got the kick) layoff and two other close calls so this caught my eye…

Going through a layoff or unexpected job termination, is scary, very scary (as I’m sure most of you know and have lived). I feel there’s nothing wrong in preparing yourself mentally for this possible scenario, hence this post. Plan for the worst and hope for the best, etc.

Svchost, why do you mock me so? Here’s a project to help you see what its doing… Svchost Viewer

CodePlex - svchost viewer

“A program to see what all those svchost.exe are running.

Ever wondered what all those svchost.exe files are running ?? well here is an app to tell you, gives you some basic infomation like the Name, Description and the program path.

- No installstation required.
- Only requirement is that you have .net installed (ver 2.0 or newer).
- Work in Windows XP (sp2) and Vista.
- Coded in C#



Vista/Server 2008 makes it easier to see what services are running under svchost, but even there still this project looks like it could come in handy. The C# source isn’t checked into CodePlex, but is available as part of the release…

Sometimes a little GUI is all you need…


Related Past Post XRef:
Use SC CONFIG to isolate a Service in its own svchost instance.
Using the TaskList command line utility to see what processes are using a DLL (and what process is hosting what Service)

The Internet Explorer Compatibility Images (VPC VHD) updated – Now with a IE8 Beta 2 VHD (and expire dates of 01/09)

Microsoft Downloads - Internet Explorer Application Compatibility VPC Image


Version: 4.0
Date Published: 8/28/2008
Language: English
Download Size: 421.7 MB - 3333.6 MB*

This download page contains four separate VPC images, depending on what you want to test.

  • IE6-XPSP3_VPC.exe contains a Windows XP SP3 with IE6 VHD file
  • IE7-XPSP2_VPC.exe contains a Windows XP SP2 with IE7 VHD file
  • IE8B2-XPSP3_VPC.exe contains a Windows XP SP3 with IE8 Beta 2 VHD file
  • IE7-VIS1.exe+IE7-VIS2.rar+IE7-VIS3.rar contain a Vista Image with IE7 VHD file.

This VPC image will expire in January, 2009.


And I was going to ask on twitter yesterday if there was a IE8 Beta 2 VHD yet… :)


Related Past Post XRef:
The IE8 VPC - IE8 the easy way
WinXP IE6 & WinXP IE7 VPC Images
WinXP SP2 IE6 VPC Image Refreshed
WinXP SP2 IE6 VPC Image

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Inside EvNet Screencast(s) – Meet some of the people behind the Channel 9 code…

Channel 9 - Building Channel 9: Inside EvNet - Part 1

“You asked. We deliver. Meet the developers behind Channel 9 (and 8, 10, Edge and Mike Samspon, Erik Porter, Duncan Mackenzie and Nathan Heskew are the super talented devs who built C9 V4. Unlike the older versions of Channel 9, V4 is a completely new codebase. Gone are the days of stitching together half-baked technologies (though, they did scale and Bryn and I deserve some credit for that! ).

EvNet, which is the codebase that powers all of our channels, was written from the ground up. How is the codebase designed? What's the architecure? What did each developer work on? What were some of the challenges? Who are these geniuses, anyway? This is part one of the great conversation with the folks who build and innovate Channel 9. Tune in.” [Description leached in full]

Channel 9 - Building Channel 9: Inside EvNet - Part 2

“EvNet, which is the codebase that powers all of our channels, was written from the ground up. How is the codebase designed? What's the architecure? What did each developer work on? What were some of the challenges? Who are these geniuses, anyway? This is part two of the great conversation with the awesome folks who build and innovate Channel 9 (and several other web sites). Tune in” [Description leached in full]

90 minute cast (Part 1:49 & Part2:41), which is a conversation, chat, BS (in the good way) session with the dev team behind Channel 9, 10, 8, Edge, MicrosoftPDC. If you’re interested in these sites, this is a good cast to catch…

(via WF Channel9 Videos, Screencasts, and Podcasts - Building Channel 9: Inside EvNet - Part 1)


Related Past Post XRef:
Do you like Microsoft’s Channel 8, 9, 10, TechNet Edge and Mix Online sites? Did you know the source for those sites is available? Yep, you too, with a little work, can could have your own Channel XYZ like site…

LINQ to Twitter v0.01 Released – Timelines in this release…

CodePlex - LINQ to Twitter

“Project Description
LINQ to Twitter

A LINQ Provider for the Twitter micro-blogging service (” [Description leached in full]

LINQ to Twitter - Initial Release v0.01


Release Notes

Supports 2 features: friend timelines and public timelines. Defaults to public timelines. Includes a small console app to test.



I thought that was pretty cool, a LINQ to Twitter provider… Looks to make Twitter pretty darn easy to add to your app, doesn’t it? 

Project Feed’s = Subscribed

A title you have to respect - “Blowing Sh1t Up the Bungie Way”

Microsoft Downloads - Blowing Sh1t Up the Bungie Way


File Name: Blowing sh1t Up the Bungie
Version: 1.0
Date Published: 8/27/2008
Language: English
Download Size: 39.3 MB

This session examines the tools, techniques, and challenges of producing special effects for Bungie’s Halo 3 from an artist’s perspective. The Halo engine’s custom particle system was rebuilt from the ground up to take full advantage of the Xbox 360 hardware. We take a look at the editing tools that are at the heart of that system. Beyond particles, we look at other graphical elements that are orchestrated to create some of the more complex effect events in the game.


This title made me laugh seeing it on MS Downloads…

Using Windows Server 2008 as your workstation – The Manual

Convert your Windows Server 2008 to a Workstation! 

“This manual will help you to install Microsoft Windows Server 2008 and to configure your pc so you can use it as a workstation. Thanks to DAz999, you can also download the full manual as a 6MB pdf file from here! You can use the Windows Server 2008 Workstation Converter made by sawo if you want to automate the whole process. If you need any help, don’t hesitate to post your question on the forums.  You can view screenshots of my final Windows Server 2008 workstation here.

If you are still not convinced why to use Windows Server 2008 as your workstation OS, read this article, and you will be installing Windows Server 2008 right after reading it!


For those of you following me on Twitter you already know that I’m pretty darn impressed with Windows Server 2008. For those of you how aren’t, let me tell you… I’m pretty darn impressed with Windows Server 2008.

I mean, Wow!

I do not want to bash Vista, but Server 2008 is what Vista should have been (and in reality, is, since they share share a kernel, etc). Windows Server 2008 gives me a great deal of hope about Windows 7. If Windows 7 can be/is Server 2008++, with added goodness, performance, etc, yet focused on the end-user/consumer, then it will simply rock.

In any case, after playing with Win2k8 for the past week, I have to say… well I’m loving it (gee, can you tell?  ;)

After tweeting on it a bit, Mickey @’d the above URL on how to turn Win2k8 Server into a “workstation”. This is a bit of information that I’m sure I’m going to want to get at and use in the future (both near and distant). If you’re thinking about Windows Server 2008 and about using it as your desktop/workstation, then this guide might come in handy for you.

(via tweet from Mickey Gousset)

My Mobiler – Think Remote Desktop’ing into your Windows Mobile phone



  • View your mobile screen on your desktop.
  • Control your mobile by using desktop keyboard and mouse.
  • Copy/Cut/Paste text between mobile and desktop.
  • Capture mobile screen.
  • Drag and drop files to your mobile.
  • Support ActiveSync / IP Connection
  • Support Mobile Explorer (File Browse)

  • Support Windows Mobile 2003
  • Support Windows Mobile 5.0 / 6.0

Scott @’d me this yesterday and I thought it was officially pretty darn cool.

[Insert “I really have to upgrade my phone” comment here]

(via tweet from Scott Lovegrove)

How I got started in Software Development Meme

My first Meme tag… um…gee… Thanks (cough…cough… ;) to Scott for the tag.

1. How old were you when you started programming?

I started programming in high school so about 15 or 16 I think. At least that’s when I started programming on a “real” computer (TRS-80). Before then I did a little on a TI-99/4a, a little on this cheese “programming” card/game/thing on the Magnavox Odyssey 2, etc. But I didn’t really start coding until I got my hands on a friend’s Mom’s TRS-80. No floppy, storing my programs and data on a tape cassette… (Getting access to a Model III with a floppy was an exciting day… lol). I’ve been hooked since.

2. How did you get started in programming?

I bootstrapped myself into it. Reading, browsing the magazines and books at the local library, beating on the keyboard, bugging a local adult-ed teacher about it (Remember this was before BBS’s, let alone the internet). Once I wrote my first program, saw how that with a little thought and typing I could create something that actually did something, there was no going back.  

3. What was your first language?

Basic (of course!  :)

4. What was the first real program that you wrote?

Hard to define “real”. Professionally the first program I wrote was a call center call tracking system. This program was used by the agents to enter and track the calls their received, on what product, etc. I did the first version in Borland’s ObjectVision and then we upgraded it to VB 1.0 (Rhy Mednick actually did the conversion and I took it over from him, and then did the upgrade to VB2, VB3, conversion to DAO, etc…  lol). This was a Windows 3.1 app, using floppies to transfer the daily Paradox DB’s to a central machine to be imported into DB from which the reports were created. The very definition of Sneakernet

I still laugh at how much a speed boost we got when we moved from 4MB (yes, MB) of RAM to 8…

The first first program I wrote was of course a D&D program. I wanted something to help my roll a new character and store it, because as we all know rolling those d20 was such a pain… LOL.  Then there was an online (well via tape drive) Monster Manual. Which was “fun” since I had to write the program to store the data, retrieve it and also manually enter all the data. I think I got all the way to the C’s… ;)

5. What languages have you used since you started programming?

Basic (All versions of VB, from 1 to 9), T-SQL, Java Script, Pascal (Delphi 1, 2), C# (a little). Played with, cut-n-pasted, etc tons of others.

HTML doesn’t count, right, since it’s not a “language”? Nor does RTF, XML, etc, etc.

6. What was your first programming gig?

My first, hired as a programmer, job was working for Countrywide Mortgage Conduit (CMC, which begat INMC, which begat IndyMac…). I was hired to work on a VB3 program that replaced a Lotus Notes “application”.

7. If you knew then what you know now, would you have started programming?

Without a doubt, there’s no question about it. I can’t imagine doing anything else… I love programming.

8. If there is one thing you learned along the way that you would tell new developers, what would it be?

Learn to deal with change. If you can’t handle constant, rapid change, then development and programming might not be for you. In 5 years everything will change around you. Technology, environment, requests from users, scope, hardware, software, everything.

Either embrace change and learn how to deal with it, or be buried by it.

9. What’s the most fun you’ve ever had… programming?

Every day I code, I have fun. Every time a solve a program I’m loving it. I just love coding, the act of creation and turning my thoughts and dreams into digital reality gives me a tingle. I think I get the most fun from discovery… From learning and trying something new. My first Windows app, my first SQL Server stored procedure, the first time seeing my app used by a user, the first time one of my oss/free applications got reviewed by someone on the other side of the world, my first unit test, first LINQ query, first data driven provider written, the times my app helps someone else solver their problems… Every day coding is a good day, is a fun day…


So who to tag? Who to tag…hum… I think the buck is going to stop here, this time…

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Gizmodo - Democrats and Republicans Get Special Edition Zunes For Their Conventions

“Microsoft's just slapped together a pair of special edition Zunes for both the Republican and the Democratic National Conventions and they look pretty damn great…



That’s pretty cool (and I think kind of clever). I so want one (guess which party…  ;)

Now want I really want to see is a special/custom PDC 2008 Zune in my PDC goodies bag… (hint… hint)

Monday, August 25, 2008

XamlPadX v4 Released

Lester's WPF blog - XamlPadX 4.0

“So I finally got a chance to update XamlpadX and heres the new version.

Whats new.

  • The UI has been revamped to give the Blend sorta look.
  • Menus have been rearranged to maximize the space.
  • New addins: Clipboard viewer - which works well for analyzing rtf/xaml ... Path Designer/Jasema (thanks to Marlon)
  • Snapshot utility to take snapshots and save the xaml rendering
  • Syntax highlighting and collapsing (thanks to the editor control from SharpDevelop project)
  • Error logs - left bottom corner has a link to the stack trace when there is an error
  • Error light - editor has a red/green box at the bottom right corner
  • Bug fixes/code restructuring


…” [Post Leach Level: 98%]

XAML is on my “things I have to learn this decade” list (oh…oh… Not to many months left in this decade… Doh!)

Need help picking a “good” chart for your Excel data? Chart Advisor to the rescue!

Microsoft Office Labs - Project: Chart Advisor

View Slide Show

View Slide Show

Chart Advisor is a prototype that provides an alternate approach for creating charts in Excel 2007. This add-in uses an advanced rules engine to scan your data and, based on predefined rules, displays charts according to score. Top scoring charts are available for you to preview, tweak, and insert into your Excel worksheet.

Overview of Chart Advisor -- an Excel 2007 Add-In that generates charts appropriate for your data automatically.Play Video

Watch Video


Project: Chart Advisor - Chart Advisor - Frequently Asked Questions and Answers


1. What is Chart Advisor?
Chart Advisor is a prototype Excel Add-In that appears as a button on the Insert ribbon next to the standard charting tools.  It attempts to automate the process of chart generation by using an advanced rules engine to scan your data for properties that inherently make good charts.  It will generate some charts, rank them, and display the set as thumbnails in a new dialog.  From this dialog you can manipulate the charts by changing how the data is mapped and filter out data from the chart.  When done, you can insert the chart back into the spreadsheet.

2. Why do I need Chart Advisor?
It is useful if you are curious to explore an alternative way to create charts and help us understand if this improves your productivity.

3. What are the requirements / limitations?
Operating System needs to be either XP or Vista. You'll need a copy of Excel 2007. Also, because this is a prototype, we're limited to 8,000 cells for analysis.

12. How does Chart Advisor pick charts?
Chart Advisor uses an advanced rules engine to scan your data for properties that inherently make good charts and then uses this analysis to pick different chart types that will render graphs conveying useful information. It does this in 3 steps. First, columns/rows of data are scored to determine how they might fit into the 3 chart fields (category, values, legend). Second, these mappings are tried in the various chart types supported to see if they 'look good.' Finally, formatting rules are applied to enhance the overall appearance of the chart.

13. Can I modify the rules?
If you have ideas on how to improve the rules, feel free to post to the discussion board.

14. What are the known issues?
(1) Chart Advisor only chooses one direction for the data based on initial inspection. So, if your data happens to flow in rows, Chart Advisor may choose to group by columns and give less desirable charts. The fix for this is to transpose your data using Excel's cut and paste special feature.
(2) Performance suffers as the data sets grow larger. Smaller datasets are considerably faster.
(3) The hidden sheet used for intermediate calculations isn't deleted. The data is deleted from the sheet, but the actual sheet is still present in the file. To remove it, you simply need to right click on a sheet tab and select Unhide. The menu that pops up will show you the hidden sheets. From here you can select one and unhide it.
(4) The undo history is cleared when Chart Advisor is run.


The Office Labs guys are at it again, this time with help for those of us who need a little help (okay, I need allot of help ;) in picking a “good” chart for our data in Excel. I dig how it shows the why behind the decision, why a chart is considered good for your data, etc. (cough… insert comment here about how having the source to these Office Labs projects would be cool… cough… ;)

[Humor] 404 in the Ballpark

Tech Crunch - Yahoo’s 404 At Giants Stadium


Something only a geek would find funny… Hence my laughter when I saw it… ;)

Sunday, August 24, 2008

NHibernate v2.0 Released (i.e. 2.0 GA)

Ayende @ Rahien - NHibernate 2.0 Final is out!

“Guys, gals and its. I am overjoyed to tell you that NHibernate 2.0 has been released.

You can get it directly from the download page.


NHibernate SourceFouge - NHibernate: 2.0.0.GA is released

“A .NET port of the excellent Java Hibernate ( relational persistence tool.

NHibernate 2.0.0.GA is released today. It is comparable to Hibernate 3.2 in terms of features. 

More information about NHibernate:

Download NHibernate 2.0.0.GA:[Post leached in full]

Hibernate - NHibernate for .NET

“NHibernate is a port of Hibernate Core for Java to the .NET Framework. It handles persisting plain .NET objects to and from an underlying relational database. Given an XML description of your entities and relationships, NHibernate automatically generates SQL for loading and storing the objects. Optionally, you can describe your mapping metadata with attributes in your source code.

NHibernate supports transparent persistence, your object classes don't have to follow a restrictive programming model. Persistent classes do not need to implement any interface or inherit from a special base class. This makes it possible to design the business logic using plain .NET (CLR) objects and object-oriented idiom.

Originally being a port of Hibernate 2.1, the NHibernate API is very similar to that of Hibernate. All Hibernate knowledge and existing Hibernate documentation is therefore directly applicable to NHibernate. Take a look at the available NHibernate Documentation.


I’ve not used an ORM (yeah, yeah, I know…), but NHibernate is mentioned so often in the same sentence as “ORM” that I think it’s only a matter of time before I do.

(via The Code Bucket - NHibernate 2.0 Release!!)


Related Past Post XRef:
How to gain ORM and influence databases – NHibernate, The Summer Screencast Series

This madness has to stop. It’s time for a Computer/OS/Software Hard Reset

I’ve spent the last few days helping a friend un-bork their home PC. Seems that one piece of software through one auto-update jacked their machine to the point uselessness. So, as happens to many of us “computer people,” I’ve been spending some quality time with their PC resurrecting it from the dead.

This madness has to stop.

How many of you reading this have been in this same boat? Where your machine, or those of friends or families have gotten borked due to something outside your/their control? How often are you called on to provide personal tech support? How often you cringe when you get a call and it's starts with "My computer..."? Unless I miss my guess, to often.

This madness has to stop.

Has the computer age infected your TV? Phone? Car? Cell? Microwave? Oven? House lighting? Law sprinklers? Has the drive to make “everything easier by making it all computerized” instead made everything seemly harder and more complex? Like a complexity virus? Do you fear the day when household appliances loose their power because you remember the pain to get them setup and working correctly? Man I hate when that happens...

This madness has to stop.

How many times have you had to walk someone through using a piece of software just so they can use it at its most basic level? One that has so much flash and sizzle, buttons and widgets that it causes usage anxiety? How often do you see people using that magical, mystical 10%? To often I bet.

This madness has to stop.

How many hours have you fought your system to build a solution for your users? To get it to work and perform only to run into issues when they try to install it on their system? Then fought the good fight to try to figure out just what the heck is going on, why does it work in most cases but not that one? Why when the sun is up, but not the sun and moon? Been there, done that...

This madness has to stop. It’s time for a hard reset.

As an industry, we need to step back and take a good hard look at what we do, how we do it, why we’re at where we are today and decide if this is viable for the long term. Do we really want our kids and grandchildren to be hacking their registry? To worry about root accounts and command line configs? RPM's vs MSI vs this kernal and that OS? To worry about viruses, spyware, etc? To have to take classes just to know how to operate their PC just so they can keep it running? To foster a technology priesthood where keeping a system running seems to come through their as much knowledge as it does magic and faith?

Don’t we, as an industry, know enough to look beyond today and toward a tomorrow where our PC’s are not something we battle and sometimes dread but are instead are so integral that we couldn’t imagine a world without them and shudder at the thought of the “do you remember when’s”? Where using them is as simple as riding a bike? Where there might be a tiny bit of a learning curve, but once you learn it you never forget, do matter how many years pass?

Mac, Linux, Windows, I don’t care. Personally I don’t think any of them are right for the future. For a future were our PC’s work subconsciously, where our digital assistants are running with a “DWIM” (Do What I Mean) capability, we need to step back and re-think… re-think… well… pretty much everything. From hardware to interface to software. It’s time to sit back and re-imagine our industry and the products we provide.

Let's look at our basic assumptions and not assume that just because that's the way it's been for 20, 30, 40 years that that's the "right" way. Let's look toward our grand kid's future. Let's build a foundation that's viable for the long term. With flexibility to grow and prosper, and not the house of cards like our systems of today.


Look, I am NOT saying we need to go back to “before.” I love this age and would not have wished to have been born in any other. I can’t imagine life without computers and technology. All I’m saying is that if you take a long hard look at today, and then imagine a tomorrow based on today, what do you see?

We, you and I, have the power to change this. We CAN make it better. We just need to have the strength, vision and conviction to no longer accept “good enough” and to look beyond today’s foundations toward new digital future.


LOL… Wow, so flowery and pretty… Yet no substance. No concrete suggestions. Words are easy you say? Well sometimes words are all that's needed. Without a vision, it's hard to know where you are going. Don't all great leaps start with a vision?

Enough... Enough for now. Time for some more coffee, to re-program my back sprinklers, make an appointment to find out why my Check Engine light is on and to search the web with some error strings so I can fix my friend's Media player...