Saturday, August 08, 2009

Strong Brains are Good Brains (aka “use it or lose it” or “Yum, brains good, says zombie horde”) - 100 Brain building links, utilities, games and exercises

Healthcare Administration Degree - Build Your Own Brain Gym: 100 Tools, Exercises, and Games

“Stay on top of your game mentally and slow the effects of aging on your brain by keeping it in excellent shape. It’s easy to do and costs little to no money with all the resources available on the Internet. The following tools, exercises, and games will stimulate your brain and give it the exercise it needs to stay in top form.



Tons of ways to keep your brain strong and fit…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It makes perfect sense!! You have to work out the brain to keep it strong and healthy! Brain fitness is just as important as cardio fitness!! It is recommended to engage in a brain challenge
or brain teaser at least once a day!