Saturday, November 21, 2009

PDC09 RSS feed file for your podcast catcher of choice (i.e. Grab all the PDC sessions for your Zune, Reader, FeedDemon, etc)

This is a VERY quick and dirty RSS feed which includes the PDC09 video sessions as enclosures (i.e. so you can grab this in your podcast system of choice). I’ve only tested it in Zune 4 and FeedDemon so YMMV. This is my first attempt at generating a RSS feed, attempting to host a feed on SkyDrive(now it’s hosted on my Office Live Small Business site), playing with the System.ServiceModel.Syndication namespace, etc, etc. So the fact that it seems to work at all is amazing… :)

The enclosure is the WMV version of the session (i.e. not the uber WMVHigh version).

The only place I have to host the file/feed is on SkyDrive, so hopefully that will work for you all and for this purpose. (Now hosted on a Office Live site… )

I’m currently playing with providing more versions of the file, with more targeted sessions (like one file with the CL sessions, SVC, etc) and to also offer the WMVHigh as the enclosure. The end game will be to create a utility where you can create your own feed list/rss file with only the sessions you want, which you then host yourself & hook to your catcher.

PDC09-Complete-RSS.xml (direct, use this one in you podcast catcher. Right click on it, Copy Shortcut, paste into your catcher… ) and the SkyDrive file link (this is if you want to grab the file yourself to mod it, host it elsewhere, etc).

Update: 11/25/2009 1:55PM
Now MP4 and WMVHigh feeds available too. There’s only a couple sessions missing in the MP4 list (you can see what’s included in what list on my PDC09 List page, PDC09 Session Video List (Okay, so I lied))




Here’s some screenshots of it in the Zune software;



And how am I generating the file you ask? Why via my, still VERY much work in progress and way fugly coded, Microsoft Conference Resource List Maker ( of course! :)


Update #1 11/23/2009 @ 8:00AM PST:
Instead of hosting the file on SkyDrive, where there’s no permalinks directly to the files, I’m now using my OfficeLive Small Business site I created a billion years ago. There at least I have a permalink to the file, one that won’t change over time. And heck it’s free and I can get download reports, etc. If this works out, I’m going to have to use this service for more stuff! lol

Update: 11/25/2009 1:55PM
Now MP4 and WMVHigh feeds available too. There’s only a couple sessions missing in the MP4 list (you can see what’s included in what list on my PDC09 List page, PDC09 Session Video List (Okay, so I lied))




Related Past Post XRef:
PDC09 Session Video List (Okay, so I lied)

“Threesome: Me, My Wife and My Blog”

The Blog Herald - Threesome: Me, My Wife and My Blog – Part 1

“Who is she?” my wife questioned.

We’ve had this conversation a dozen times.

“No one, babe. I’m just working on my blog.”

“You LIVE on that computer.”

Cue dramatic exit.

If this sounds familiar, the you too are looking for ways to justify all that time you spend blogging to your significant other. Here’s how…

That SO sounds like a daily conversation at the Duncan house… LOL

The important thing is that I try to remember is that while your spouse, significant other, life partner, co-kid coach, etc is indeed a partner. They may not understand the content or purpose of your blog, but they understand that it takes you away from them. So involving them in your blog or blogging, making them part of the process, or sharing your successes with them can take your blog from a “you” thing to an “us” thing…

Friday, November 20, 2009

PDC09 Session Video List (Okay, so I lied)

I’m not sure what’s going on with but it doesn’t seem to be showing all the sessions as expected (or at least as I’d expect it to ;). [Update: That list is much more, if not completely, fleshed out. But due how that list is currently sorted, it may appear to be missing sessions when in fact it’s just a sort thing]

So being the guy that I am I went ahead and tweaked my Microsoft Conference Resource List Maker ( to add in PDC09 support. Now the added code is WAY ugly and way to hard coded, but hey it works (cough… and currently provides links than the MSPDC09 site.. cough… ;).

This time I took the provided session Xls, saved it as XlsX and then used the Open XML 2.0 API to parse it for the codes and titles. Currently the keynotes are not included, nor are the day-0 workshops, and it’s possible there are other sessions missing (if a session wasn’t in the Xls, then they are not currently in the below list). The good news is that that will not be hard to fix in the come days, so in short, expect future updates to this post.

And to not rub it in or anything, but the above mentioned code tweaking was done in VS2010 B2 on my new PDC09 Special Edition Acer Aspire 1420P  :)

Again, please use this list for good and not evil. These links may or may not work (or those that work now may not in the future, etc, etc). YMMV. yada, yada, yada…

List History
11/20/2009 11PM PST:
First/initial list posted

11/21/2009 6:30AM PST:
List updated with Keynotes, added a few missing sessions, included MP4’s (the few currently available), removed the N/A’s
Looks like the list has been updated in the last few hours, except there’s still a few issues with it (cough… the sort is kind of jacked… cough)

11/25/2009 1:50PM PST:
Updated so the now available MP4’s are included/shown

12/10/2009 10:00AM PST:
Updated to include Day 0 Workshops, to include zips and videos where available (including the Windows 7 Deep Dive workshop)

CL01 Microsoft Silverlight Roadmap and Futures WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
CL02 Microsoft Silverlight 3: Advanced Performance and Profiling Techniques WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
CL03 DirectX11 DirectCompute WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
CL04 Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 Kernel Changes WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
CL05 Embodiment: The Third Great Wave of Computing Applications WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
CL06 Networking and Web Services in Microsoft Silverlight WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
CL07 Mastering Microsoft .NET RIA Services WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
CL09 How Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Was Built with Windows Presentation Foundation 4 WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
CL10 Windows Presentation Foundation 4 Plumbing and Internals WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
CL11 Advanced Windows Presentation Foundation Application Performance Tuning and Analysis WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
CL12 Developing with the Windows API Code Pack for Microsoft .NET Framework WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
CL13 Windows Touch Deep Dive WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
CL14 Advanced Graphics Functionality Using DirectX WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
CL15 Modern 3D Graphics Using Windows 7 and Direct3D 11 Hardware WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
CL16 Optimizing for Performance with the Windows Performance Toolkit WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
CL17 Building Sensor- and Location-Aware Applications with Windows 7 and .NET Framework 4 WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
CL18 Windows Ribbon Technical Deep Dive WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
CL19 NEW: Building Line of Business Applications with Microsoft Silverlight 4 WMVHIGH WMV MP4    
CL20 NEW: Improving and Extending the Sandbox with Microsoft Silverlight 4 WMVHIGH WMV MP4    
CL21 Building Amazing Business Applications with Microsoft Silverlight and Microsoft .NET RIA Services WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
CL22 Advanced Topics for Building Large-Scale Applications with Microsoft Silverlight WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
CL23 SketchFlow: Prototyping to the Rescue WMVHIGH WMV MP4    
CL24 XAML Futures in Microsoft .NET Framework, Microsoft Silverlight and Tools WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
CL25 Become a Web Debugging Virtuoso with Fiddler WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
CL26 The "Audience API": Live Framework Present and Future WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
CL27 Multi-Touch on Microsoft Surface and Windows 7 for .NET Developers WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
CL28 New Developer Tools in Windows Embedded Standard 2011 WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
CL29 Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 Kernel Changes (Continued from 1:30 Session) WMVHIGH WMV MP4    
CL30 Microsoft Expression Blend 3 for Developers: Tips, Tricks and Best Practices WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
CL31 Mastering WPF Graphics and Beyond WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
CL32 Developing Testable Silverlight Applications WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
CL33 Windows Error Reporting WMVHIGH WMV MP4    
CL34 Media Foundation: Supporting Hardware Codecs and Cameras WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
CL35 Custom Behaviors for Advanced Microsoft Silverlight UI Effects WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
CL36 Deep Dive on Bing Maps Silverlight Control WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
FT02 Data Programming and Modeling for the Microsoft .NET Developer WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
FT03 Manycore and the Microsoft .NET Framework 4: A Match Made in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
FT04 Windows Workflow Foundation 4 from the Inside Out WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
FT05 Automating "Done Done" in the Team Workflows with Microsoft Visual Studio Ultimate and Team Foundation Server 2010 WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
FT06 Accelerated Windows Application Development with Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
FT07 The State of Parallel Programming WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
FT08 Code Visualization, UML, and DSLs WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
FT09 Scrum in the Enterprise and Process Customization with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
FT10 Evolving ADO.NET Entity Framework in Microsoft .NET Framework 4 and Beyond WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
FT11 Future Directions for C# and Visual Basic WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
FT12 ADO.NET Data Services: What's New with the RESTful Data Services Framework WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
FT13 What's New for Windows Communication Foundation 4 WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
FT14 Workflow Services and "Dublin" WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
FT16 Advanced Diagnostics, IntelliTrace and Test Automation WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
FT17 Spice Up Your Applications with Windows Workflow Foundation 4 WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
FT18 Microsoft ASP.NET Futures WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
FT19 C++ Forever: Interactive Applications in the Age of Manycore WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
FT20 F# for Parallel and Asynchronous Programming WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
FT22 Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 2: The New Stuff WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
FT23 Extending the Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Code Editor to Visualize Runtime Intelligence WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
FT24 Building Extensible Rich Internet Applications with the Managed Extensibility Framework WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
FT25 Microsoft Application Server Technologies: Present and Future WMVHIGH WMV MP4    
FT26 Scaling Your Data Tier with Microsoft Project Code Name "Velocity" WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
FT27 Application Server Extensibility with Microsoft Project Code Name "Dublin" and Microsoft .NET Framework 4 WMVHIGH WMV MP4    
FT28 Microsoft .NET Micro Framework and Intelligent Devices WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
FT29 Microsoft AJAX Library, jQuery, and Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
FT30 Using Dynamic Languages to Build Scriptable Applications WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
FT31 Dynamic Binding in C# 4 WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
FT32 Code Like the Wind with Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
FT33 Microsoft Visual Basic IDE Tips and Tricks WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
FT34 Microsoft Project Code Name "M": The Data and Modeling Language WMVHIGH WMV MP4    
FT35 Microsoft Visual C# IDE Tips and Tricks WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
FT36 Future of Garbage Collection WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
FT50 Building Data-Driven Applications Using Microsoft Project Code Name "Quadrant" and Microsoft Project Code Name "M" WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
FT52 Microsoft Perspectives on the Future of Programming WMVHIGH WMV MP4    
FT53 Microsoft Visual Studio Lab Management to the Build Setup Rescue WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
FT54 Power Tools for Debugging WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
FT55 Developing REST Applications with the .NET Framework WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
FT56 Web Deployment Painkillers: Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 & MS Deploy WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
FT57 Microsoft ASP.NET 4 Core Runtime for Web Developers WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
FT58 What's New in Microsoft ASP.NET 4 Web Forms and Dynamic Data WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
FT59 ASP.NET MVC 2: Ninjas Still on Fire Black Belt Tips WMVHIGH WMV MP4    
FT60 A Lap Around Microsoft Visual Studio and Team Foundation Server 2010 WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
KEY01 Keynote Day 1          
KEY02 Keynote Day 2 WMVHIGH        
PR01 Developing xRM Solutions Using Windows Azure WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
PR02 Overview of SharePoint 2010 Programmability WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
PR03 Developer Patterns to Integrate Microsoft Silverlight 3.0 with Microsoft SharePoint 2010 WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
PR04 Developing .NET Managed Applications Using the Microsoft Office 2010 Developer Platform         PPTX
PR05 Microsoft Unified Communications: Developer Platform Futures WMVHIGH WMV     PPTX
PR06 Developing Solutions with Business Connectivity Services in Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 WMVHIGH WMV MP4    
PR07 Developing Solutions for Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 Using the Client Object Model WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
PR09 Document Assembly and Manipulation on Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 Using Word Automation Services and Open XML WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
PR10 SharePoint Is Not Just On-Premise: Developing and Deploying Solutions to Microsoft SharePoint Online WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
PR11 Leveraging and Extending Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 Identity Features WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
PR12 It's All about the Services: Developing Custom Applications for Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 Using Microsoft ASP.NET, WCF, and REST WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
PR13 Integrating and Extending the Microsoft Office Communicator Experience with Windows Presentation Foundation and Microsoft Silverlight WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
PR14 Unleashing the Power of Excel on the Web WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
PR30 The Exchange 2010 Developer Story: Building Rich Exchange-enabled Applications for the Enterprise and the Cloud WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
PR31 Managing the Solution Lifecycle for xRM Applications WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
PR32 Making a Killer Office Developer Demo          
PR33 Build a .NET Business Application in 60 Minutes with xRM and SharePoint WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
SVC01 Lap Around the Windows Azure Platform WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
SVC02 Windows Identity Foundation Overview WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
SVC03 Development Best Practices and Patterns for Using Microsoft SQL Azure Databases WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
SVC04 Petabytes for Peanuts! Making Sense out of "Ambient" Data. WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
SVC06 Scaling out Web Applications with Microsoft SQL Azure Databases WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
SVC08 Patterns for Building Scalable and Reliable Applications with Windows Azure WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
SVC09 Windows Azure Tables and Queues Deep Dive WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
SVC10 Software + Services Identity Roadmap Update WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
SVC12 Microsoft SQL Azure Database: Under the Hood WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
SVC13 Windows Azure Present and Future WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
SVC14 Storing and Manipulating Blobs and Files with Windows Azure Storage WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
SVC15 Windows Azure Monitoring, Logging, and Management APIs WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
SVC16 Developing Advanced Applications with Windows Azure WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
SVC17 Enabling Single Sign-On to Windows Azure Applications WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
SVC18 Building Hybrid Cloud Applications with Windows Azure and the Service Bus WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
SVC19 REST Services Security Using the Access Control Service WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
SVC20 Bridging the Gap from On-Premises to the Cloud WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
SVC23 Using the Microsoft Sync Framework to Connect Apps to the Cloud WMVHIGH WMV     PPTX
SVC25 Automating the Application Lifecycle with Windows Azure WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
SVC26 How Microsoft SharePoint 2010 was Built with the Windows Identity Foundation WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
SVC27 The Future of Database Development with SQL Azure WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
SVC28 The ‘M'-Based System.Identity Model for Accessing Directory Services WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
SVC29 Enrich your Applications with Data from Microsoft Project Code Name “Dallas” WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
SVC30 Lessons Learned: Migrating Applications to the Windows Azure Platform WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
SVC31 Lessons Learned: Building On-Premises and Cloud Applications with the Service Bus and Windows Azure WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
SVC32 Lessons Learned: Building Scalable Applications with the Windows Azure Platform WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
SVC33 Lessons Learned: Building Multi-Tenant Applications with the Windows Azure Platform WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
SVC36 Microsoft adPlatform Opportunities for Developers WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
SVC37 Introduction to Building Applications with Windows Azure WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
SVC50 Building Java Applications with Windows Azure WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
SVC51 Developing PHP and MySQL Applications with Windows Azure WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
SVC52 SQL Azure Database: Present and Future WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
SVC53 Tips and Tricks for Using Visual Studio 2010 to Build Applications that Run on Windows Azure WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
SVC54 The Business of Windows Azure: What you should know about Windows Azure Platform pricing and SLAs WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
SVR01 Accelerating Applications Using Windows HPC Server 2008 WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
SVR02 Using Classification for Data Security and Data Management WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
SVR03 Data Tier Applications in Visual Studio 2010 WMVHIGH WMV MP4    
SVR06 Extending Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.x WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
SVR07 Introduction to Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 StreamInsight WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
SVR08 Advanced Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 StreamInsight WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
SVR09 Developing Rich Reporting Solutions with Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
SVR10 Lighting up Windows Server 2008 R2 Using the ConcRT on UMS WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
SVR11 Improving Application Compatibility and Quality for Windows Server 2008 R2 WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
SVR12 Building Your Administration GUI over Windows PowerShell WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
SVR13 Windows PowerShell: An Automation Toolbox for Building Solutions That Span Small Businesses, Enterprises, and Cloud Services WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
SVR14 Building Live Media Viewing Experiences Using Internet Information Services (IIS) Smooth Streaming and the Smooth Streaming Player SDK WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
SVR15 Microsoft BizTalk Server Futures and Roadmap WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
SVR16 Connecting Applications with the Microsoft BizTalk Enterprise Service Bus Toolkit WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
SVR17 Data-Intensive Computing on Windows HPC Server with the DryadLINQ Framework WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
SVR18 Developing Applications for Scale-Up Servers Running Windows Server 2008 R2 WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
SVR19 Microsoft Project Code Name "Repository": Using Metadata to Drive Application Design, Development, and Management WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
SVR31 Making Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Fly WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
SVR32 Microsoft Semantic Engine WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
SVR33 Building Location Aware Applications with the SQL Server Spatial Library WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
VTL01 Code Contracts and Pex: Power Charge Your Assertions and Unit Tests WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
VTL02 Axum: A .NET Language for Safe and Scalable Concurrency WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
VTL03 Infer.NET: Building Software with Intelligence WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
VTL04 Rx: Reactive Extensions for .NET WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
VTL05 A New Approach to Exploring Information on the Web WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
VTL30 Managing Development to Inspire Innovation and Create Great User Experiences WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
VTL31 Coming Together in the Cloud WMVHIGH WMV MP4   PPTX
VTL32 Concurrency Fuzzing & Data Races WMVHIGH WMV MP4    
WKSP01 Architecting and Developing for Windows Azure       ZIP  
WKSP02 Developing Microsoft BI Applications - The How and The Why       ZIP  
WKSP03 Developing Quality Software Using Microsoft Visual Studio Team System 2010       ZIP  
WKSP04 Getting the Most out of Microsoft Silverlight 3       ZIP  
WKSP05 Microsoft Technology Overview       ZIP  
WKSP06 Patterns of Parallel Programming: A Tutorial on Fundamental Patterns and Practices for Parallelism       ZIP  
WKSP07 Software in the Energy Economy       ZIP  
WKSP08 Windows 7 Developer Boot Camp (Part 1) WMVHIGH        
WKSP08 Windows 7 Developer Boot Camp (Part 2) WMVHIGH        
WKSP08 Windows 7 Developer Boot Camp (Part 3) WMVHIGH        
WKSP08 Windows 7 Developer Boot Camp (Part 4) WMVHIGH        


Related Past Post XRef:
Microsoft PDC09 video list, courtesy of Microsoft

Mix 09 Quick Video Link List
My PDC List Maker utility source updated to consume the PDC Channel 9 RSS Feed (resulting in the Keynotes now being included in the list), but fixes, etc.
My PDC Video Link List Maker project & source is now available on CodePlex
PDC2008 Quick Video Link List (Updated: Now with Keynotes)
PDC 2008 Quick Video Link List updated with link verification
PDC2008 Quick Video Link List (Updated: Now with link verification)

A high level Data Guide for the Dev Guy - “Guide to the Data Development Platform for .NET Developers”

Bob Beauchemin's Blog - Guide to the Data Development Platform for .NET Developers whitepaper available

“I've been busy for the last few weeks putting together a "manifesto" whitepaper about the .NET-based data access stacks and also the possibilities for .NET programmers in the SQL Server product itself. The whitepaper's direct link is here, although its also available via both the MSDN Data Developer Center and the SQL Server 2008 Application Development website. I don't see the arbitrary distinction between application developers who use databases and SQL developers that some do, so writing this paper and covering both was a good fit.

This whitepaper is quite a bit more high-level than others that I've written, meant to be an all-embracing introduction to .NET and SQL Server and point out the possibilities for .NET programmer. While writing this I was stunned at how many integration points there are between .NET and SQL Server. Every part of the SQL Server product uses .NET in one form or another. Check it out.


MSDN - Guide to the Data Development Platform for .NET Developers

“SQL Server Technical Article
(11 printed pages)

Writer: Bob Beauchemin, SQLskills

Published: November 2009

Applies to: SQL Server 2008

Summary: This whitepaper covers all facets of the .NET data development platform. This includes not only client-side and service-based APIs but also .NET APIs for programming at a server level inside the SQL Server 2008 database and for developing and testing a SQL Server database application. It also includes information on future directions of the .NET and SQL Server development platform.

Guide to the Data Development Platform for NET Developers

With all the Microsoft data access means and methods sometimes we need to take a step back and take a higher level look at things. That’s what I liked about this whitepaper, the 30,000 foot view it provided.