Wednesday, September 08, 2010

“Application Prototyping with SketchFlow” Refcardz

DZone Refcardz - Application Prototyping with SketchFlow

“… Just as the foundation of a building is important for its stability, the prototyping phase is a critical part of application development. This DZone Refcard aims to cover the core aspects of application prototyping.  We will also look at how SketchFlow can help you prototype faster and more efficiently.


SketchFlow is a utility I’ve been wanting to use, but every time I fire it up I get mentally stuck, paralyzed by the blankness and unsure of where to go next. This refcardz is just the right thing to get me over that initial startup block and moving forward. It’s short perfectly bite-sized for JITL (Just-In-Time-Learning)…

Here’s a snap;



Related Past Post XRef:
A SketchFlow Two-fer day - “Shawn Wildermuth on SketchFlow/dnrTV” and “Prototyping a WPF-3D game design workflow using TrueSpace 3D, Expression Blend 3 with SketchFlow, and exporting the prototype to XNA Game Studio.”
Four Expression 3 Starter Kits, two for Blend and two for Web, focusing on Sketchflow, Gaming, SuperPreview and SilverLight.
Expression Hands on Labs/Tutorials - Introduction to Silverlight, Styling and Skinning, DeepZoom, SketchFlow and New Blend 3 Features
PDC09 Session Video List (Okay, so I lied)

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