Monday, November 07, 2011

I remember when... Modem Infographic

SpeckyBoy - An Infographic on the History of the Modem

"Once upon a time, transferring just a few kilobytes of data between computers in different locations was considered near science fiction fantasy, or at least a cutting edge military computer science experiment. As our technology has evolved, the transfer of data has underpinned the backbone of our society.

Let’s not forget then that those little boxes we call modems, routers and switches were all born from a need to connect teletype machines together, transferring information at a stunningly slow 25 bits per second. At that rate, this post might take as long as 12 days to completely download.

In their quest to fully appreciate the invention of the modem, our friends at Broadband Choices prepared this spiffy infographic on the history of the modem.
(Graphic created by
This Infographic is sure to spark fond memories of your first modem (300B for my C64), your BBS days (I was even a paid BBS Sysop at one point :) and make you look back and then to today in wonder at the speeds we have now...

(via Winextra - A history of the modem – talk about bringing back memories [Infographic] -> Geek O System - The History of the Modem [Infographic])

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