Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Bringing back the Delete confirmation dialog in Windows 8

The Windows Club - Enable, Disable Delete Confirmation Box in Windows 8

"Windows 8 users may have noticed that when you delete a file to the Recycle Bin, unlike in Windows 7 and earlier versions, the new operating system will no longer show you the Delete Confirmation Box. This is because Microsoft found that most users preferred to turn off this delete warning. As a result, it is turned off by default.



While the new File Explorer in Windows 8 seems to handle file and folder selection better than Windows 7, until I get a much warmer fuzzy feeling for it I'll be re-enabling the deletion confirmation on every Win8 system I run. Doing so is easy as this post shows... Hint: Right click on the recycle bin, properties and check the confirm deletions checkbox.

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