Thursday, September 06, 2012

All for one, one [Sample Browser for the All-In-One Code Framework for VS2010/VS2012 Extension Updated] for all

Visual Studio Gallery - Sample Browser Visual Studio Extension

Developers love code samples.  Samples often serve as the starting point for many developers to learn a new technology.  They also provide straightforward solutions and helpful references when we as developers need to solve tough programming tasks.  Some developers even live by code samples.

In partnership with Visual Studio Product Team and MSDN Samples Gallery Team, Microsoft All-In-One Code Framework releases Sample Browser Visual Studio Extension for Visual Studio 2012 and Visual Studio 2010 - an effort to evolve the code sample use experience. You can search and download 3500+ Microsoft official code samples and community samples, including over 700 Windows 8 samples and more than 1000 All-In-One Code Framework customer-driven code samples.  With its integrated sample search, flexible sample download and more than ten useful features designed for easier access and management of code samples, we hope to put the power of tens of thousands of code samples at developers’ fingertips.


Features & Benefits

  • Integrated and Rich Sample Search Experience
  • Integrated and Flexible Sample Download Experience
  • Integrated Look and Feel



Microsoft All-In-One Code Framework - Developers' Pain Killer


Got to love the All-In-One Code Framework team! You guys know this is THE go to source for code samples. Get this extension and you'll never need to leave VS2012 (well except for bathroom trips, but that's TMI anyway... ;)

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