Friday, March 28, 2014

Making your application stand out... LEGO'ize your resume!

technabob - LEGO Job Application Set: You Just Lost Your Chances with Mega Bloks, Kid

If you work in HR and you start receiving LEGOs with resumes, blame – or thank – Leah aka Pastlightspeed. The Redditor and aspiring intern wanted to stand out to prospective employers, so she made a LEGO version of herself along with matching packaging and a pamphlet. I guess she’ll be known as LEGO Leah wherever she gets hired.


It’s not in these pictures, but Leah said she also wrote assembly instructions that also highlighted her skills.


How awesome it that! Forget resume infographics, papercraft, etc. Imagine crafting yourself and resume as a LEGO project. That's just cool... Why can't I think of stuff like this? (Not that I need a job... um... err.... um... yeah.... ;)

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