Friday, April 18, 2014

Data Editing in SQL Server Data Tools just got a little cooler (you can filter and sort now...)

Deborah's Developer MindScape - SSDT Data Editor Now Has Sorting and Filtering!

The SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) provide access to many SQL Server features from within Visual Studio. One of those features, available from the SQL Server Object Explorer, is the visual Data Editor.

While the Data Editor has always been great for inserting, updating, and viewing data, it did not support any sorting or filtering … until now!



  • For an introduction to SSDT and the SQL Server Object Explorer, see this post.
  • For an introduction to the SSDT Data Editor, see this post.

The March 2014 release of SSDT added support for SQL Server 2014 databases. But it ALSO provided new features in VS 2012 and VS 2013 for sorting and filtering the data in the Data Editor!

If you are using VS 2012, you can use the update option to get this update (SQL | Check for Updates).

If you are using VS 2013, the update should appear in the Notification window when you click the notification flag:



While I don't suggest this as a main stream means to edit your data, but some times it's just so much easier to fire this up and edit knock out your quick updates. This also helps you avoid the "oh crap, I used the wrong WHERE in my Query Window update" game (not that I've ever done that, updating every row in a table, without a BEGIN TRAN... nope, not me! :/  )

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