Monday, December 13, 2004

New Microsoft Toolbar/Desktop Search not supported on Win2K3?

The new beta Microsoft Toolbar/Desktop Search is not supported on Win2K3. sigh (ieah, I know it says Win2K & XP on the site, but I gave it a try in Win2K3 anyway... and it was no-go. Setup complained and went away).

That disappoints me. I run Win2K3 at work as a remote terminal for email and local work stuff (it's a long story). I have Lookout installed and now find it hard to live without. I was hoping to run the new MS Desktop Search too. Guess not...

I do have MS Desktop search on my Win2K notebook and it seems pretty cool. I really like how it indexes more than just a select list of extensions.

The new MS Toolbar is also pretty cool. Not cool enough yet to replace my Google toolbar, but it sure is showing a great deal of improvement since it's first release... Also now there's a blog button, making using my MSN Space much easier (but again, I don't think I'll be moving from Google/Blogger any time soon).

Interesting on how Google and MS are competing. Maybe if Google releases their own browser, IE will finally get some TLC?

Anyway, I'll be giving the MS Desktop Search tool a run for a bit and we'll see...

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