Monday, December 13, 2004

Welcome to Wish beta 1.5

"Dear Greg,:
Your application for the Wish beta 1.5 test has been accepted...."


I was in the 1.0 beta, and got totally hooked on this game. The idea of having a single huge server/world has me hooked. Look at WoW with their 80+ servers... Think about hooking up with a friend... About effecting your world and managing custom content over 80 servers (i.e. you don't. All 80 are the same), etc.

Now think about a system designed to host tens of thousands of people in a single world all at the same time. Think about the cool things that can to be to this world by the GM's.

I can't wait till I get home... (Yeah, I know, I really need a life).


Anonymous said...

Hey, now that the NDA has been lifted, do you think you could post some screenshots and video? :-D

Greg said...

I hope... There are beta 1.5'ers who have created a couple very cool videos and I know there are Wish fan site publishers/admin's who are building a big library of stuff to release once they get the official 2.0 word...

As for myself, I'm still in the "new game addiction" mode... :)