Thursday, December 07, 2006

S3 Drive - Mount your Amazon S3 Space as a Windows Network Drive

Amazon S3Drive [GD: Link is now dead and gone... See Update below]

That's kind of cool.

"Access Amazon Storage Service S3 with SUCHWERK technology.

Amazon offers with S3 a 'infinitley large large web storage', why not using this space as a 'infinitely large disk device' and getting a great backup/share device almost for free.

All you need is a file system driver to access the S3 storage easily, here comes the S3Drive software in place. It simulates a local network drive but actualy stores the files on the S3 space. You can handle it like any other network drive on a Windows machine. It works in a DOS box and can be access from every program or any programming language that can access files.

Check it out, it's free! ..."

I do wish the source was available so I could do a security review on it (that and more importantly see how they are using .Net to implement this... ;)

In any case, this something to keep an eye on as it moves toward release...

(via Larkware NewsThe Daily Grind 1030)

Update 8/16/2010:
This link, site, utility, S3Drive, seems to be dead and gone... :(

But don't despair.

Another product that does something very much like it is available at It's not free (well there IS a free trial version ;) but it is at least active, alive and getting constant TLC from its developers.

Related Past Post XRef:
S3 from Amazon - Storage on the cheap.


S3 Drive said...

Is S3Drive no longer available?

As an alternative you can try TntDriveM

Jan said...

Seems like S3Drive is down? Any ideas?

Greg said...

Looks like it's gone...