Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Using Virtual PC for Application Testing (via Thom Robbins' .NET Weblog)

Using Virtual PC for Application Testing-Thom Robbins' .NET Weblog

"This online Webinar covers how to use Virtual PC 2004 in a test environment, specifically for use in testing a given application against multiple Operating System configurations. We will show how to use Virtual PC to pre-configure multiple test systems, each of which is ultimately used to test an application under development. In this webinar, we will demonstrate:

- How to build and configure multiple test systems
- How to re-set a test environment back to an original configuration (for when things go wrong)
- How to create multiple Virtual Systems from a standard configuration / known base install
- Configuration and management of a test environment"

VPC is just too cool. Glad I have something like this to help me fill my remaining HD free space :)

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