Thursday, July 08, 2004

Download details: Security Guidance Kit v1.0, English

Download details: Security Guidance Kit v1.0, English

"Welcome to the Microsoft Security Guidance Kit

What is the Security Guidance Kit?

The Security Guidance Kit is a collection of how-to information, software tools, and detailed prescriptive guidance within a small 'viewer' application. The materials within the Kit are all designed to help you implement security measures in your environment. The topics covered include patch management, anti-virus measures, securing remote access, and blocking unsafe email attachments.

What is in the Security Guidance Kit?

The Security Guidance Kit contains documentation files along with a viewer application to allow you to navigate the documentation. It also contains free software tools from Microsoft, which you can optionally install or copy to other computers in your network.

Who is the Security Guidance Kit for?

The Security Guidance Kit is for the information technology implementor in any small, medium, or large organization. The Kit is not intended for use by the home pc user or by the application developer...."

I missed this. Might need this when I wear my IT Admin hat...

At 149MB it's not a small download

(via Ohad's WebLog)


Suryanto (Ryan) said...

Hi Greg,

Seems the Microsoft SGK_v1.exe file has been deleted from anywhere in the internet. I could not find valid link to download.

If yous till have it can you please upload it again for me ? I need it to teach my security class as my class use Thomson Learning text book which use this file for the lab.

Thank you in advance.

Greg said...

sigh... I hate when that happens.

I'm digging around all my download locations for it, but given its age I may not have it anymore.

I try to keep a copy of everything I blog about, just in case something like this happens, but with the number of PC's since this post... yada, yada, yada...

I've got two more HD's to check. If I find it I'll give you a ping...

Greg said...

Sorry... I've got crud all the way back to 97, but can't seem to find if/where I downloaded this...

Suryanto (Ryan) said...

Thanks for your help. Do you have any contact in Microsoft which can help me ?

Thank you again.

Greg said...

I wish, but no, not really. I'm very much an outsider looking in...