Tuesday, July 06, 2004

MSR Data Visualization Components

MSR Data Visualization Components

"The Community Technologies team at Microsoft Research has developed a set of components for displaying data in .NET applications. Although the components were originally created for Usenet Views, a Windows Forms program for viewing and analyzing Usenet statistics, they are generic in nature and can be used in a wide range of applications to show a variety of data."

Some nice controls from MS Research.

Help/CHM's are included, but no code samples and no source for the controls. Also they've been released under "Microsoft Research Shared Source license agreement (MSR-SSLA)", and so can't use it in commercial apps ("...You may not use or distribute this Software or any derivative works in any form for
commercial purposes..." snip makes it pretty clear).

Too bad because they sure look cool and something I really could use here at work.

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