Friday, August 27, 2004

MSF Agile preview is now available!

MSF Agile preview is now available!

"MSF Agile is one of our new methodologies. These methodologies will be baked directly into the tool. By selecting one, you will change the way the source control, work item tracking, reporting, and many other tool features work. Of course, they are extensible and replaceable if you want to do something different."

Randy Miller's, the principle designer of MSF Agile, description for this framework.

"Microsoft Solutions Framework (MSF) Agile is a scenario-driven, context-based, agile software development process for building and improving .NET and other object-oriented applications. MSF Agile directly incorporates practices for handling quality of service requirements such as performance and security. It is also context-based and uses a context-driven approach to determine how to operate the project. This approach helps create an adaptive process that overcomes the boundary conditions (such as project size and system criticality) of most agile software development processes while achieving the objectives set out in the vision of the project.

MSF Agile is highly customizable, scalable, and will be fully integrated with Visual Studio 2005 Team System. The tooling and processes will work together to provide a more productive user experience than the process or tooling could provide alone. This is because both tooling and processes are built using the same meta-model. In other words, MSF harvests proven guidance from inside and outside of Microsoft and provides a seamless experience with Visual Studio 2005 Team System for process automation and guidance within the software development life cycle."

Sounds cool... Less reinventing the same wheel...

I can't get into the workspace yet (standard GotDotNet "Your request cannot be processed at this time" error when I try to sign in.), but when I can I plan on checking this out...

Update #1 8/28/2004 8:22AM PDT:
GotDotNet Workspaces are up again... The team was applying a performance upgrade, which by the way seems to be working great. The workspaces now seem to be much faster.

Downloaded the release. This first version is pretty much "informational," i.e some stuff to read... But since VS2K5 is still a while away, makes sense there's not much content yet.

Pretty cool information delivery though. A single XML document, a html document and a bunch of XSLT files to transform the XML doc.

So this is currently on a "watch on a scheduled process" monitoring.

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