Friday, August 27, 2004

Microsoft Office 2003 and Research Services Development Extras

"Very shortly, we will publish the Research Services Development Extras (RSDE) on our MSDN Office Developer Center ( I wanted to give you a heads-up on what's involved. If you have written your Research Service for Office 2003, you have noticed that there is a fair amount of XML work that could be encapsulated so as to eliminate busy work. In your Web service that communicates with Office, you need to volley back and forth with Office in XML streams that conform to the Research Service schemas. This work can get repetitive because it is predictable and straight-forward, and that makes it a good candidate for a wrapper. This wrapper is done, and it is in the RSDE download. We have also included a very cool trace utility that lets you intercept the XML converstation going on between Office and your Web service."


There are also some links on this page related to Research Services development.

Research Services or IBF? Guess it depends on if you/your users need the document interactivity that IBF provides or if you just need to "look up" something while in Office...

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